センター長 大垣昌夫 個人の自己資金によるさまざまな機関への提言を含む研究
Center Director Masao Ogaki’s research funded by his personal funds, including proposals to various institutions
Main Research Activities
“Proposals based on the Study of the Community Mechanism.”
An Open Letter: A proposal
公益財団法人 日本オリンピック委員会
山下泰裕会長、役員の皆様 2021年3月28日
Japanese Olympic Committee
Mr. Yasuhiro Yamashita, President and Members of the Board of Directors March 28, 2021
I am not an expert in the Olympic Movement or sports, but an expert in behavioral economics and have studied how members of a community allocate and should allocate scarce resources such as time to achieve the community’s goal. I would like to take the liberty of proposing that the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) to consider starting to work together with many people inside and outside the JOC to come up with new ways to achieve the goal of the Olympic Movement under COVID-19.
As an example, I would like to ask the JOC to consider the following two steps.
Step 1: Ask several experts in various fields to endorse the JOC’s call to the people of the world to “think together” with the JOC as the proposer.
ステップ2: 世界中の人々に呼び掛けて意見を出してもらう(JOCのウェブサイトやホームページ等)。この際にステップ1で専門家たちが賛同していることを公開する。
Step 2: Call on people around the world to give their opinions (on the JOC website, homepage, etc.) with a disclosure that the experts have endorsed in Step 1.
I believe that the important thing for the community to work well in Step 1 is for an organization like the JOC, which is working to achieve the goal of the Olympic Movement, to become the proposer to ask experts to endorse its call. In the document titled JOCsCallForIdeas.pdf as an example of Step 1, I have written my affiliation and name as an endorser of such a call. If there are no modifications to this file other than the addition of the name and title of the proposer in blue and the addition of the endorsers, the JOC may publish the document with me as one of the endorsers as per this file. If there are any other modifications, however, I ask the JOC to check with me about the modifications before publishing it with my endorsement.
Step 2 is a message to the people of the world, but since the JOC has the strongest influence on the people of Japan, the JOC may want to make it bilingual in Japanese and English, as in this open letter.
If I can help you with this call and your consideration of it, please contact the Community Mechanism Research Center, Institute for Economics Studies, Keio University (e-mail: cmrc-office-group[at]keio.jp).
大垣昌夫 慶應義塾大学 経済学部教授、経済研究所「共同体メカニズム研究センター」センター長、日本学術会議会員
Masao Ogaki, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Director of the Community Mechanism Research Center of the Institute for Economic Studies , Keio University; Council Member of Science Council of Japan.
付録 JOCsCallForIdeas.pdf の内容
Appendix: The Contents of JOCsCallForIdeas.pdf
A Proposal to Think Together in the World about
New Methods for the Olympic Movement
The purpose of this document is to propose to everyone in the world to think together about new ways to achieve the goal of the Olympic Movement under COVID-19.
We would like to quote the goal:
The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.
(Olympic Values & Ideals – Olympism in Action)
(JOC – オリンピズム | オリンピック憲章)
Under the current situation with COVID-19 and new variants of coronavirus, it is getting difficult for many people to gather in one place to compete in the Olympics. It may be possible, however, to achieve the purpose of the Olympics without gathering together in one place. We think that everyone in the world (especially youth) should be encouraged to use one’s wisdom, knowledge, and creativity to think about new ways together.
現在のCOVID-19 とその変異株の状況から、多くの人が一箇所に集まってオリンピック競技を行うことが難しくなってきています。しかし、同じ場所に集まらなくてもオリンピックの目的を達成することはできるかもしれません。私達は、世界中の全ての人々(特に青少年)は、知恵と知識と創造力を用いて新しいオリンピックの開催方法をともに考えることを励まされるべきだと考えます。
We think that the following two examples from the history may provide hints.
An example is Hironoshin Furuhashi who gave dreams and hopes to Japanese people who were devastated by the World War II when Japan was not invited to the 1948 Olympics. When we think about Paralympics, the website in Japanese we quote below provides an important episode about his resilience when he lost a finger in an accident. He was discouraged that he would not be able to swim again but developed a new way of swimming to compensate his handicap which led him to his amazing records.
Born in 1928, he should have been at his peak by the 1948 Olympics, and was, but Japan was not yet permitted back into the Olympic family of nations. The next best thing was a meet of their own in Tokyo with the same events and as near the same conditions as possible for the uninvited. Furuhashi responded by winning both the 400 and 1500 meter freestyle races in world record times well below the Olympic winners in London. (ISHOF.org | HIRONOSHIN FURUHASHI (JPN))
Another example is what Japanese people call “Tsuushin Rikujou”(Correspondence Track-and-Field)for athletes in middles schools. In 2020, many of the competitions organized by Japanese Association of Athletics Federations (Japan Association of Athletics Federations) were canceled. This competition, however, was not canceled and stated to report the ranking by the IAFF scoring (IAAF scoring tables updated for 2017| News) as well as their traditional ranking by records. This competition has a long history and used to be called “Housou Rikujou” (Broadcast Track-and-Field) while NHK (the Japan Broadcasting Corporation) radio stations in different prefectures relayed broadcasting for this competition.
As these examples show, the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games could be organized in a similar way to the Broadcast-track-and-field in Tokyo, where athletes compete on the same day in different parts of the world and compare their records. This would make it easier for athletes who cannot travel to the host city due to poverty or conflict to participate in the games, and thus, in this sense, it would be fairer than the conventional way of competition. With the current technology, combat sport games need to be held in the host city, but if just some of the events can be held in Stay Home Country around the world, the risk of infection can be reduced. With the new technology, it is also possible that in the future, even combat sport games can be held even when people are far away from each other. For example, if the technology promoted by the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan (Moonshot Reseach and Development Program – Science, Technology and Innovation- Cabinet Office Home Page) to combine avatars and robots is developed, it would not be a dream to have avatars compete against each other. This kind of innovation will also have the advantage of allowing athletes who have been unable to participate in the Olympics due to financial reasons or conflicts to do so. There must be other, better ways.
これらの例が示すように、東京オリンピック・パラリンピックでも、放送陸上のように世界各地で同じ日に競技を行い、記録を比較するような大会の開催の仕方もあると思われます。このような方法は、貧困や紛争のために開催地に行くことが困難な選手たちにとってより参加が容易になるという意味で、むしろこれまでの競技方法より公正だと考えることもできます。今までのテクノロジーでは対戦型の競技は開催地で行う必要がありますが、もし一部の競技だけでも世界各地でStay Home Country で行なうことができれば、感染リスクを減らすことも可能です。また、新しいテクノロジーを使えば、将来はお互いに離れた場所にいても対戦型競技でさえ実施できる可能性もあります。例えば、内閣府が推進しているアバターとロボットを組み合わせるテクノロジー(ムーンショット目標1 2050年までに、人が身体、脳、空間、時間の制約から解放された社会を実現- 科学技術・イノベーション – 内閣府)が発達すれば、アバターによる対戦も夢ではないでしょう。このような工夫で、経済的理由や紛争で今まで参加できなかったアスリートがオリンピックに参加できるようになるというメリットもあります。他にも、よりよい方法があるはずです。
In this light, we believe that all the people of the world, especially the youth, should be encouraged to use their wisdom, knowledge and creativity to work together to come up with a new way of fair competition for Tokyo and the subsequent Olympic and Paralympic Games. We must also remember that there will be people who will face unexpected financial hardships because of this, especially if new methods are adopted and scaled back for the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. We also need to consider what kind of compensation is fair and fast in the system.
Governments, agencies, NGOs, NPOs, associations, voluntary groups, and individuals around the world who will consider this proposal can also consider ways to think together. For example, the JOC is considering setting up a website to solicit ideas from around the world. We think we can do many other things as well. For example, individuals can use SNS to send out ideas on how to reduce the risk of infection at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics using existing technology, or how to create a new normal for the future Olympics and Paralympics using technology that may be perfected in the near future.
この提案について検討してくださる世界の政府、政府機関、NGO, NPO、社団法人、有志のグループ、個人は、ともに考えるための方法についても考えていただきたいと思います。例えば、JOCは世界中からアイディアを募るためのウェッブサイトの開設を検討しています。他にもいろいろなことができると思います。例えば個人ならSNSで既存のテクノロジーを用いて東京オリンビック・パラリンピックで感染リスクを減らすアイディアや、近未来に完成の可能性のあるテクノロジーで将来のオリンピック・パラリンピックのニューノーマルの方法のアイディアを発信する、というようなことです。
Name, Title, the Japanese Olympic Committee
Masao Ogaki, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Director of the Community Mechanism Research Center of the Institute for Economic Studies , Keio University; Council Member of Science Council of Japan.
大垣昌夫 慶應義塾大学 経済学部教授、経済研究所「共同体メカニズム研究センター」センター長、日本学術会議会員